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Safeguarding Children

RSCP logo

Safeguarding Children is a statutory duty under Section 11 of the Children Act 2004 and in accordance with government guidance in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018. In this guidance children are defined as those under the age of 18 years. 

What do I need to know to help?

Children from any background can be victims of abuse. This can include being harmed through neglect, physical injury, emotional or sexual abuse. Children can be abused in more than one of these ways. Bullying, racism and other types of discrimination are forms of child abuse. Sometimes families need support to help them in the job of being a parent. Children may be ‘Looked After’ by the Local Authority and have additional plans to support them.

All agencies, which include Social Care, Police, Housing, Probation and many others all work together to support families and safeguard children. Rotherham has a Local Safeguarding Children Board which comprises of representatives from each of these Agencies.

Why is it my responsibility?

Legislation and guidance states that safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility, not just those working directly with children. Child Protection is about stopping abuse and neglect. Everyone can help to protect children in this way. It involves working together and sharing information about a child or family so that services can be put in place to protect the child from harm. It is only when knowledge about a child or family is gathered together that the situation becomes clear.

By being willing to act if you have concerns about a child’s welfare you are helping to safeguard children.

If you see something, say something – Children have a right to childhood.

Worried about an Adult or Child Flowchart

Report suspected abuse of a child/young person


If you see something, say something

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Looked after Children & Care Leavers

Rotherham Safeguarding Childrens Partnership website

 Rotherham Safeguarding Childrens Partnership Procedures Online

RSCP safeguarding children arrangements 

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)


Sexual Images of children under 18 – what you need to know

Bruising in non-mobile infants

ICON supporting parents with crying babies

Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE)



Some useful documents published 2020:

ICON Leaflet - Babies do Cry

See, Hear, Respond 2020

South Yorkshire Child Death Overview Panel Annual Report 2019 20