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NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group has, from 1 July 2022, been replaced by the new NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB). The ICB is now responsible for commissioning and funding of health and care services in the local area. Please go to our new website for information about the work of NHS South Yorkshire ICB.

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March 2022

Primary Care Committee Agenda 2022 03 09 - PUBLIC Session

Enc 1a - Primary Care Committee Session held in Public Minutes 2022 01 19 Final

Enc 1b - Primary Care Committee Action Log Current

Enc 2a - Dementia Update

Enc 2b - Draft Dementia LES 2022

Enc 3a - Broom Lane Extension Refurbishment BJC Submission 9 March 2022

Enc 3b - Broom Lane BJC Draft V4 28-02-22

Enc 4 - RCCG GP Digital Plan Progress Update February 2022

Enc 5a - Primary Care Team Work Programme

Enc 5b - PC Team Work Plan

Enc 6a - 2021-22 Q2 MM Report

Enc 6b - 22-02 2021-22 Q2 Report Introduction

Enc 6c - 21-22 PIS Quilt End Dec 2020

Enc 7a - GP Access annual review for PCC

Enc 7b - GP Appointments Dashboard Dec 21

Enc 8 - Future Management of Payments for LES - 01.02.22

Enc 9a - LES 2022-23 revisions to service specs Cover paper

Enc 9b - Anti-coagulation Specification 2022-23 Draft v2

Enc 9c - Anti-coagulation Appendix A Requirements of the Provider Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Draft v2

Enc 9d - Anti-coagulation Appendices 2022-23 Quick Reference on anti-coagulation with warfarin Draft v3

Enc 9e - Shared Care Drugs Specification 2022-23 Draft v2

Enc 9f - Transgender LES Specification 2022-23 Draft v2

Enc 10 - LES Uplifts Proposals 2022-23

Enc 11 - QC and Estates Paper v4 28.02.22

Enc 12a - Primary Care Network DES Delivery Update  - Finance and Activity Plan

Enc 12b - Appendix A Central PCN

Enc 12c - Appendix B Health Village and Dearne PCN

Enc 12d - Appendix C Maltby Wickersley PCN

Enc 12e - Appendix D Raven PCN

Enc 12f - Appendix E Rother Valley South PCN

Enc 12g - Appendix F Wentworth PCN

Enc 13 - PCCC Finance Paper March 22 (Mth 10 Jan 22)

Enc 14 - B1375 Letter re General Practice contract arrangements in 2022-23