This website is no longer being updated.

NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group has, from 1 July 2022, been replaced by the new NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB). The ICB is now responsible for commissioning and funding of health and care services in the local area. Please go to our new website for information about the work of NHS South Yorkshire ICB.

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FOI Disclosure Log

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CCG 1200 APMS Contracting

 Request 1

What is the total number of APMS contracts held by the CCG?

Response 1


Request 2

What is the Date of renewal against each APMS contract?

Response 2


Request 3

When will tender processes begin for each APMS contract?

Response 3


Request 4

What is the value and value calculation for any APMS contract

Response 4

This information has been supplied to RCCG on the basis of commercially in confidence and disclosure of this information to a third party could prejudice the commercial interests of RCCG, as specified in the exclusions Section 2 (43) of the Freedom of Information act 2000.


In accordance with this permitted exclusion RCCG are for this request, unable to provide this information to you.

Request 5

Are you partnered with a GP federation. If you are I request the following details of the GP Federation.


Response 5

Connect Healthcare Rotherham CIC are partners within the Accountable Care System, not NHS Rotherham CCG as an individual organisation. Connect Healthcare Rotherham CIC has not formally launched yet and as such there are no active GP Practice members or Board.