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FOI Disclosure Log

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CCG 1155 NHS and CHC Appeals and outcomes

I would ask if you would provide in relation to NHS Continuing Healthcare funding eligibility decisions appeals and for:

 - Each of the years between and including 2012 and 2016

- All appeals

- Appeals for Previously Unassessed Periods of Care cases,

 the following data:



- Number of appeals to the CCG

- Number of appeals that resulted in the CCG reversing the previous decision for the whole period

- Number of appeals that resulted in the CCG reversing the previous decision for part of the period

- Number of appeals that were heard at NHS England Independent Review Panel (IRP)

- Number of appeals where NHS England recommended that the previous CCG decision on eligibility was unsound

- Number of appeals that were submitted to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO)

- Number of appeals where the PHSO recommended that the previous CCG decision on eligibility was unsound

- Number of appeals that were heard at tribunal/court

- Number of appeals that were heard at tribunal/court that were settled out of tribunal/court

- Number of appeals that were heard at tribunal/court that reversed the previous CCG eligibility decision



I would ask if you would also provide the number of current appeals awaiting review at:

- IRP stage

- PHSO stage

- tribunal/court stage



I would also ask if you would confirm which is the responsible tribunal/court which an appeal should be escalated to should a previous CCG decision not be reversed.

 Please see the responses to the requests in the spread sheet link below:-


Appeals and PUPOC website data.docx