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FOI Disclosure Log

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CCG 1012 Neuro Rehabilitation
1. Please could you provide the number of adults funded by the CCG requiring neuro-rehabilitation during the financial year.
Total number
2. Of the total number of adults requiring neuro-rehabilitation funded by your CCG (Q.1), how many did receive support in a Level 2a or Level 2b rehabilitation service (as defined by the British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine: Specialised Neurorehabilitation Service Standards 7, 30th April 2015)? If number smaller than 5, please indicate with *.
Number in Level 2a rehabilitation service
Number in Level 2b rehabilitation service
3. Please provide the CCG's total expenditure on neuro-rehabilitation placements for the financial years 2013/14, 2014/15, and 2015/16.
Total expenditure (£)
4. How much of the total expenditure (Q.3) was spent with Level 2a and Level 2b rehabilitation services?
Total expenditure on Level 2a rehabilitation service (£)
Total expenditure on Level 2b rehabilitation service (£)
5. To how many commissioned total commissioned bed days did the expenditure (Q.4) on Level 2a and Level 2b rehabilitation services correlate?
Total number of bed days commissioned on Level 2a (Days)
Total number of bed days commissioned on Level 2b (Days)
6. Please provide a list of the providers that you commissioned neuro-rehabilitation Level 2a and Level 2b services with.
7. Please could you provide the number of adults funded by the CCG requiring neuro-rehabilitation in a Level 3 rehabilitation service.
Total number
8. Please provide the CCG's total expenditudre on Level 3 neuro-rehabilitation placements (as per Q.7) during the financial year.
Total expenditure (£)
9. Please could you provide the number of adults funded by the CCG requiring neuro-palliative care in a nursing/care home.
Total number
10. Please provide the CCG's total expenditudre on neuro-palliative placements (as per Q.9) during the financial year.
Total expenditure (£)
11. Please provide a list of the providers that you commissioned the neuro-rehabilitation Level 3 services with.
12. Please provide a list of the providers that you commissioned the neuro-palliative services with.
13. How many individuals as per Q.1 where on placements outside the boundaries of your CCG (i.e. out of area placement)?

2017 03 29 CCG1012 Response Spreadsheet.xlsx