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FOI Disclosure Log

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CCG 882 Please provide information regarding the performance of your Out- of- Hours service and how it compares against the timescales defined by the NHS 111 disposition those standards.

Request 1

I am interested in the performance of your Out- of- Hours service and how it  compares against the timescales defined by the NHS 111 disposition those standards. For the financial year ending April 2016 can you please tell me what per cent  of cases the ooh provider achieved a face to face contact within 2 or 6 hours (Dx05, 85, 97 and Dx06, 80 are I understand the main dispositions from NHS Pathways respectively) and what percent of 'speak to' dispositions are contacted by the service within 1 or 2 hours (Dx11, 117 and Dx12).

I understand that some CCG's do not gather this information. If that is the case then please provide me with information compared to the old standards for those individual years of  20 minutes for urgent GP telephone consultation  and 60 minutes for a  less urgent telephone consultation as well as GP contact visit within 1 hour ( emergency) and 2 hours ( urgent) and 6 hours less urgent AND describe how the NHS Pathways dispositions are mapped against each standard. Where you have agreed that the provider should carry out clinical management of 'contact' dispositions by phone please make this clear and provide information about the proportion where that begins within 20 minutes, 1 hour and 2 hours (and again provide information about how Dx codes are mapped against each).  Should your provider report performance on these indicators against different time periods and/or the information is incomplete please provide this information instead with a brief explanation of the rationale for the different approach. 

Response 1

The information below is what we receive from our GP Out of Hours provider as part of a Key Performance Indicators set.  This answers the queries regarding response times for face to face consultations at either a Primary Care Centre or as a home visit.  The response time is when the face to face consultation must be started within the following timescales, after a definitive clinical assessment has been completed:
  • Emergency: Within 1 hour.
  • Urgent: Within 2 hours.
  • Less urgent: Within 6 hours. 
We have provided this information for 1 June 2015 to 31 May 2016 as this relates to the contract year for our GP Out of Hours contract. The CCG does not routinely receive performance data for response times for our GP Out of Hours provider to telephone the patient once a referral has been received  from 111 and how the 111 timeframes are mapped against these.