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FOI Disclosure Log

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CCG 738 may I request information on the PMS reviews in your CCG area.

Request 1


Under the FOI Act, please may I request information on the PMS reviews in your CCG area.

For background: All CCGs were mandated to carry out or take part in reviews of all PMS contracts held by GP practices, with an end of 2015/16 deadline.

The aim was to identify funding contracted to PMS practices which did not deliver extra services above and beyond core GMS equivalent. CCGs would then redistribute these funds, more equitably, within general practice in their area. 

How many PMS practices were there at the start of this review?

Response 1 


Request 2 

How many have since switched to GMS?

Response 2 


Request 3 

How much PMS funding was identified as NOT being linked to extra services and therefore available for redistribution?

Response 3 


Request 4 

How has the CCG proposed or decided to redistribute this funding?

Response 4 

The reinvestment is a 4 year process.  Year 1 was for new local enhanced services and Y2-4 is proposed to be the quality contract.