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FOI Disclosure Log

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CCG 478 What is this CCG’s policy towards re-use of aids for the elderly such as commodes, zimmer frames, raised chairs, toilet seats and bed rails once they have been issued for use once?

Request 1 - What is this CCG’s policy towards re-use of aids for the elderly such as commodes, zimmer frames, raised chairs, toilet seats and bed rails once they have been issued for use once? 

Response 1 - All equipment issued by the Integrated Community Equipment Service (known as REWS) is purely on a loan basis, with the understanding that the patient contacts REWS when they no longer require the equipment.  REWS collect this type of equipment normally within 7 working days.

Request 2 - Are these aids sterilised and re-used or are they written off?’

Response 2 – All types of equipment are returned to the store for further examination to determine whether they can be recycled.  Around 82% of equipment collected is recycled and around 18% is scrapped as they are classed as “end of their life”.  The equipment identified as being “recyclable” goes through a Turbex decontamination system which ensures this fully meets TRFT decontamination policy.

Request 3 -If the above aids are not re-used, what was the expenditure on those aids in financial year 2013-14 and year to date 2014-15.

Response 3 – 2013/14 – Expenditure on aids scrapped is £145,923

2014/15 – Expenditure on aids scrapped is £144,383

Reasons for scrapping equipment is either due to wear and tear, failure (broken parts) or deemed as unsafe by technicians.

Request 4 - What is your patient population? 

Response 4 – There are 49,800 older people living in Rotherham in 2015 (source POPPI).